
Belarus Belapan

Belarus Belta

Sat, 21 Dec 2024 12:19:00 +0300
When will YouTube be blocked in Belarus?
"It makes no sense to block this platform as long as we can use it. As he met with students at the linguistic university, the president made a very subtle point that should be emphasized. If necessary, if there is a threat to the state through these ...

Sat, 21 Dec 2024 11:51:00 +0300
‘Thunder in paradise’: What did Lukashenko talk about at the UN summit in 2005?
On 15 September 2005 the UN General Assembly hosted a summit, which the organizers called a logical continuation of the Millennium Summit held in 2000. As many as 170 presidents, monarchs, and heads of governments gathered in the hall.

Sat, 21 Dec 2024 10:22:00 +0300
Warm-up before Belarus? ‘Tulip revolution’ in Kyrgyzstan in 2005
In 2005 Kyrgyzstan experienced a color revolution, which was called the “tulip revolution”. The formal reason for the mass riots was dissatisfaction with results of the parliamentary elections. The actions, which started ostensibly peacefully, gr...

Sat, 21 Dec 2024 10:03:00 +0300
Yushchenko’s poisoning: myth or reality? Reasons behind ‘orange revolution’ in Ukraine
An “orange revolution” happened in the center of Kiev on 22 November 2004. Viktor Yushchenko had lost the presidential election. His supporters set up a tent camp. According to recollections of witnesses, Yushchenko’s staff had not expected the...

Fri, 20 Dec 2024 20:58:00 +0300
Documentary shows how 'human rights' foundations make money on Belarus’ 'political prisoners'
A new documentary on the ONT TV channel has exposed the scheme that “human rights” foundations use to make money on “political prisoners”, BelTA has learned.

Belarus Digest

新品未使用 レイバン 木村拓哉 キムタク RAY-BAN×TAKUYA KIMURA カプセルコレクション 2本組 購入レシート原本付き -
レイバン×木村拓哉コラボカプセルコレクション 2本組 WAYFARERセット レンズカラー:ライトオレンジ、ライトグレー  各1本(計2本組) 定価:26,400円×2本 ※購入時のレシート原本を...

☆試着のみ☆ レオナール 極近年 スプリングコート 40 Lサイズ -

K22 レオナール LEONARD 超美品ロゴ入りワンピース36即決 -

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超美品レオナールLEONARD柔らかい上質羊革×シルクウールニット豹柄薄茶ベージュハイネックジャケットレオパードヒョウ柄ひょう柄ブルゾン -
レオナール LEONARD本革 羊革 ラムスキン定番の シルクウール 地に上質な ラム革 のトリミングを施したお洒落なジャケットです。控えめな ヒョウ柄 が主張し過ぎず、あらゆるTPOに活躍...
