

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:42:56 GMT
Decree in Cameroon Unjustifiably Censors Free Speech
[HRW] Revoke Decree, Ensure Right to Freedom of Expression

Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:00:34 GMT
Cameroon Opposition Doubts Reasons for Election Postponement
[DW] Cameroon's government has decided to postpone parliamentary and municipal elections. The decision has ignited fierce debates over implications for the future, with many doubting President Biya's motivations for the move.

Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:05:19 GMT
Cameroon First Daughter Calls for Decriminalization of Same-Sex Conduct
[HRW] Brenda Biya's Statement Highlights Plight of Sexual Minorities

Mon, 15 Jul 2024 04:23:25 GMT
Cameroon Activists Hope for Change After President's Daughter Comes Out
[RFI] Yaounde - Rights activists in Cameroon and abroad have praised the daughter of President Paul Biya for announcing that she is in a same-sex relationship. By challenging the country's stringent anti-homosexuality laws, campaigners hope Brenda Bi...

Fri, 12 Jul 2024 04:45:50 GMT
'All Is Lost'? - Cameroon's Controversial Logging in Biodiverse Ebo Forest
[African Arguments] Why has the government awarded a logging concession in the mega biodiverse Ebo forest to a little-known company?
