

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:32:18 +0300
Government changes Estonian language skill requirements for teachers, school heads
The government at its sitting on Thursday approved the requirements for the proficiency and use of the Estonian language for teachers, heads of schools and support specialists in connection with the transition to Estonian-language education.

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 13:23:59 +0300
Businesses allowed to produce ammunition and munitions at Amari from 2025
Using the method of selective tender, the Estonian Center for Defense Investment (RKIK) is set to offer companies the opportunity to start the production of ammunition and munitions at the Ämari military campus from the beginning of next year.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:56:56 +0300
Mait Raava ⟩ The new finance minister still has one last chance to act in a statesmanlike manner
The minister of finance must come up with a tax solution that increases economic growth, Mait Raava (The Right), management consultant at Pro Konsultatsioonid, finds.

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 20:07:25 +0300
ANDREY KUZICHKIN ⟩ Utility catastrophe in Russia calls into question the future of the Putin regime
The situation in the field of heat supply is particularly acute. 70 percent of the Russian population lives in regions where winters are long and the temperature drops below -30 degrees Celsius for a long time, columnist and Russian expert Andrey Kuz...

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 19:30:28 +0300
Helir-Valdor Seeder ⟩ New coalition agreement is a disappointment and confirms only one thing
Kristen Michal's government is a sad continuation of the policies of Kaja Kallas' government. Unfortunately, there will be no correction of mistakes. Instead of a sense of security and crisis resolution, the people of Estonia will receive new spectac...

Estonia Post Times

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:32:18 +0300
Government changes Estonian language skill requirements for teachers, school heads
The government at its sitting on Thursday approved the requirements for the proficiency and use of the Estonian language for teachers, heads of schools and support specialists in connection with the transition to Estonian-language education.

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 13:23:59 +0300
Businesses allowed to produce ammunition and munitions at Amari from 2025
Using the method of selective tender, the Estonian Center for Defense Investment (RKIK) is set to offer companies the opportunity to start the production of ammunition and munitions at the Ämari military campus from the beginning of next year.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:56:56 +0300
Mait Raava ⟩ The new finance minister still has one last chance to act in a statesmanlike manner
The minister of finance must come up with a tax solution that increases economic growth, Mait Raava (The Right), management consultant at Pro Konsultatsioonid, finds.

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 20:07:25 +0300
ANDREY KUZICHKIN ⟩ Utility catastrophe in Russia calls into question the future of the Putin regime
The situation in the field of heat supply is particularly acute. 70 percent of the Russian population lives in regions where winters are long and the temperature drops below -30 degrees Celsius for a long time, columnist and Russian expert Andrey Kuz...

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 19:30:28 +0300
Helir-Valdor Seeder ⟩ New coalition agreement is a disappointment and confirms only one thing
Kristen Michal's government is a sad continuation of the policies of Kaja Kallas' government. Unfortunately, there will be no correction of mistakes. Instead of a sense of security and crisis resolution, the people of Estonia will receive new spectac...
