
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 11:15:40 GMT
Govt Bans Human Activities in Rumaki Biosphere Reserve
[Daily News] COAST REGION -- DEPUTY MINISTER of State in the Vice-President's Office (Union and Environment), Khamis Hamza Khamis, has called for an immediate halt to all human activities within the newly designated Rufiji, Kibiti, Mafia, Kilwa (RUMA...

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 10:28:43 GMT
Tripartite Trade Area Comes Into Force Tomorrow
[Daily News] Arusha -- THE COMESA-EACSADC Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) Agreement, will come into force tomorrow, following the attainment of the required threshold.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 11:18:16 GMT
Tmx to Start Trading Cashew Nuts, Pigeon Peas This Season
[Daily News] THE Tanzania Mercantile Exchange (TMX) announced on Tuesday that it will commence trading cashew nuts and pigeon peas this season, following a successful four-year trial period.

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:26:25 GMT
Interactive Doctor-Patient App Launched in Dar
[Daily News] A new digital application has been launched in Dar es Salaam to address digital divide in health in the country's health sector.

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:49:22 GMT
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation Resigns
[Daily News] NOMINATED Member of Parliament and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, Ambassador Mbarouk Nassor Mbarouk, has written resignation letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr Tulia Ackson.

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:26:48 GMT
Over 33,900 Shortlisted for Police Force Vacancies
[Daily News] A total of 33,998 candidates have been shortlisted for various vacancies announced by the Tanzania Police Force.

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 08:18:10 GMT
Environment Activists Appeal for Support From G-20
[Daily News] CLIMATE change and environment activists have requested for financial support from the Group of 20 (G-20) so as to increase investments in affordable and renewable energy.

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 11:19:35 GMT
Dar-Dodoma SGR Train Begins Next Week
[Daily News] The Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) train operations between Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and Dodoma will begin on Thursday next week as earlier planned, the Tanzania Railway Corporation (TRC) has announced.

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 06:57:45 GMT
98% of Villages Successfully Electrified
[Daily News] In a significant milestone of rural transformation, the Rural Energy Agency (REA) has successfully electrified 98 per cent of all villages across the country.

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 06:59:24 GMT
Chinese Investors Invited in Blue Economy
[Daily News] Zanzibar -- The Administration of Shandong Province of China has shown interest in investing in various development areas in the isles.

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 06:58:33 GMT
President Suluhu Hassan Calls on Tanzanians to Pay Their Taxes
[Daily News] President Samia Suluhu Hassan has called on Tanzanians to diligently pay their taxes, saying that tax revenues are crucial for funding national development projects.

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 11:20:21 GMT
Mloganzila Introduces New Skin Treatment
[Daily News] MUHIMBILI National Hospital-Mloganzila has become the first public hospital in the country to introduce a new service for treating skin diseases using advanced laser technology.

Thu, 18 Jul 2024 11:26:34 GMT
Electric Train Poses Little Threat to Air Travel
[Daily News] DAR ES SALAAM -- THE new electric train service, set to begin next Thursday from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma, is not expected to compete immediately with the country's airlines, according to analysts.

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 06:58:58 GMT
More Relief to Farmers As Maize Seed Subsidies Announced
[Daily News] Songwe -- Maize farmers are set to benefit from subsidised maize seeds starting in September, aimed at alleviating financial burden ahead of the planting season.

Thu, 18 Jul 2024 11:30:44 GMT
Tanzania Preparations On Top Gear
[Daily News] DAR ES SALAAM -- IN a bold step towards hosting the prestigious AFCON 2027 finals, the government is forging ahead with extensive refurbishments and new constructions in collaboration with the Confederation of African Football (CAF).

Thu, 18 Jul 2024 11:29:24 GMT
Zanzibar Registers Current Account Surplus
[Daily News] ZANZIBAR -- ZANZIBAR'S current account surplus has registered a significant increase in the last one year thanks to the tourism sector contribution.

Thu, 18 Jul 2024 11:28:12 GMT
Government Vows to Improve Investment Climate
[Daily News] TANZANIA -- THE government has reiterated its commitment to continue strengthening and creating conducive environment for investment in the country, by tackling various sectoral challenges in order to attract more domestic and foreign di...

Thu, 18 Jul 2024 11:17:36 GMT
Tanzania Beach Soccer Team Intensify Drill Ahead Bsafcon
[Daily News] THE Tanzania national beach soccer team is gearing up for the upcoming Beach Soccer Africa Cup of Nations (BSAFCON) finals in Egypt this July.

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 16:30:25 GMT
Leader of Opposition, Chaponda, in Tanzania, Meets With Reps of Political Parties
[Nyasa Times] Malawi's leader of Opposition, George Chaponda, today met with Tanzanian political parties through the Tanzania Centre for Democracy (TCD), a platform dedicated to promoting democracy and constitutionalism.

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 14:03:37 GMT
Disregard Public Notice Allegedly From Tanzania's Examinations Council Announcing Deadline for Correcting Names On Certificates
[Africa Check] Disregard public notice allegedly from Tanzania's examinations council announcing deadline for correcting names on certificates

Tue, 16 Jul 2024 12:21:38 GMT
Tanzania's Seaweed Farmers Bring the Ocean's Bounty to the World
[IFAD] As the sun rises over Pemba island in Tanzania, Shajia and other seaweed farmers head towards the water to harvest their seaweed at low tide.

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:03:55 GMT
How Climate-Smart Strategies Revitalized Tanzania's Livestock Sector
[IPS] In a quest for survival, farmers and pastoralists living in Oldonyo Sambu, Tanzania's northern Maasai Steppe, used to fight over every drop of water. However, 12 villages have now adopted climate-smart bylaws after months of negotiations, putti...

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 05:45:19 GMT
Bringing Justice Within the Grasp of Ordinary Men and Women in Tanzania
[World Bank] Fatuma Mbaruku, a 38-year-old mother of four, traveled from Azimio to the Temeke Integrated Justice Center to file for custody and support for her four children after her 2023 divorce.

Tue, 16 Jul 2024 14:31:20 GMT
President Hassan Launches 107.14 Km Sumbawanga-Matai Kasanga Port Road
[Daily News] Rukwa -- President Samia Suluhu Hassan has inaugurated the 107.14-kilometer Sumbawanga-Matai Kasanga Port Road, worth 150.5bn/-.

Tue, 16 Jul 2024 07:03:52 GMT
We Are On Track, Says Samia
[Daily News] President Samia Suluhu Hassan has been impressed with the development projects being implemented in Katavi and Rukwa regions, saying that they are in line with CCM Election Manifesto 2020-2025.

Mon, 15 Jul 2024 10:17:42 GMT
Tanzania Aims At Mega Food Storage
[Daily News] KATAVI -- PRESIDENT Samia Suluhu Hassan has instructed the National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) to increase its grains storing capacity to reach three million tonnes by 2030.

Mon, 15 Jul 2024 10:20:36 GMT
Majaliwa - Religious Bodies Pivotal in Upholding Good Morals
[Daily News] DAR ES SALAAM -- PRIME Minister Kassim Majaliwa said the government values the contribution of religious institutions in strengthening good morals while condemning evil acts and moral decay in the society.

Mon, 15 Jul 2024 04:13:27 GMT
Tanzania's Election Laws Make It Hard to Build Political Opposition - What Needs to Change
[The Conversation Africa] Tanzanians go to the polls this year in local elections to vote for street and village chairpersons. This will be followed by a general election next year for councillors, members of parliament and the president.

Mon, 15 Jul 2024 04:57:35 GMT
Samia Thumbs Up to NSSF Strides
[Daily News] President Samia Suluhu Hassan has hailed great strides that the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has made during the past three years of her leadership.

Fri, 12 Jul 2024 04:56:53 GMT
World Bank Group Launches New Framework for Inclusive, Private Sector-Led, and Resilient Growth in Tanzania
[World Bank] Washington -- The World Bank Group's Board of Executive Directors has endorsed the new Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Tanzania to support the country in consolidating its status as a middle-income country, achieving a high level...
